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Wednesday, June 10, 2015

Virtual reality amusement park in China will include a virtual zoo

Despite major efforts from the likes of Facebook's Oculus Rift and Samsung's Gear VR, virtual reality is still a largely niche technology. But one entertainment group has decided that VR is indeed the future of entertainment and plans to build an entire live experience around the technology in China. Developed by the Landmark Entertainment Group,...Despite major efforts from the likes of Facebook's Oculus Rift and Samsung's Gear VR, virtual reality is still a largely niche technology. But one entertainment group has decided that VR is indeed the future of entertainment and plans to build an entire live experience around the technology in China. Developed by the Landmark Entertainment Group, the company behind immersive entertainment experiences such as Universal’s "Jurassic Park: The Ride," and "The Amazing Adventures of Spiderman 5D," the L.I.V.E. Centre (Landmark Interactive Virtual Experience) will feature up to four hours of virtual reality content for visitors. Image: Landmark

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